Welcome to Brainy Podcasts. Together, we will demystify creativity & innovation through the everyday 'know how' of our guests and the lens of applied neuroscience.

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EPISODE#09 Manner Before Matter
What is Psycho-Social & Why Does it Matter?

In this episode, we continue our conversation with Leanne Drew-McKain. This is not the soft, mushy stuff! It's the stuff that creates the environment for those tough conversations and decisions to be made.

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EPISODE #08 Leaders Have Brains Too!
What is Psycho-Social & Why Does it Matter?

In this 2-parter, we explore the importance of environmental climates and their profound impact on creativity, innovation, ideation, and critical thinking. Discover how the spaces around us and the cultures we work within can influence our minds and drive groundbreaking ideas and solutions.

We are Brainy Podcasts

Welcome to Season 2 of Brainy Podcasts!

We are delighted to bring you the latest season of Brainy Podcasts, ready to hit your airwaves now!

In this season, we've delved deeper into human exploration and expanded our understanding of harnessing creativity, innovation, curiosity, and the art of asking the right questions.

We've applied these insights to ourselves, enhancing our critical thinking helping us to pioneer new strategies. Our purpose is to inspire you as the individual, teams to achieve their business ambitions and unlock full growth potential for organisations.

As we’ve discussed with many of our guests, while AI and tech excel in information, our human advantage lies in wisdom. Maintaining brain health, embracing our humanity, and valuing neurodiversity are crucial for extending our thinking and developing impactful ideas, alongside the remarkable advancements AI and tech offer.

We've engaged with fascinating guests who bring a wealth of knowledge on our human advantage. Topics include the future of AI, psychosocial safety's impact on critical thinking, CEOs embracing neurodiversity, menopause, education, leadership and management, organisational structure, processes, and culture. Our guests are specialists and pioneers in their fields and we’ve had great fun talking to them.

Join us on this journey to demystify, learn, and simplify our abilities to be imaginative and think critically, enabling you and your organisation to thrive as a way of life, not just a trend.

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We now know we are definitely helping shape creative and innovative minds!

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